48vdc 240watt (5a) din rail high temp power supply poe

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48vdc 240watt (5a) din rail high temp power supply poe

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Description 48vdc 240watt (5a) din rail high temp power supply poe :

Industrial grade power supply with 48-55V DC output
240W power capacity for high performance
Low noise switching mode for reliable operation
Mountable to standard 35 mm DIN rail
Built-in summary fault relay for 48V DC models
Output short circuit, over current, and overvoltage protection
Wide ambient operating temperature range
Suitable for intelligent transportation and factory automation
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Référence 170074
184,00 € HT
Soit 220,80 € TTC
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PLATEFORME LOGISTIQUE (77) 01 60 95 17 60
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BRON - LYON (69) 04 78 65 28 21
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RENNES (35) 02 30 96 05 29
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L'UNION - TOULOUSE (31) 05 61 23 11 63
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BOULOGNE BILLANCOURT - PARIS (92) 01 41 10 11 23
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DIJON (21) 03 80 65 56 49
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Tableau des références

48vdc 240watt (5a) din rail high temp power supply poe


Industrial grade power supply with 48-55V DC output
240W power capacity for high performance
Low noise switching mode for reliable operation
Mountable to standard 35 mm DIN rail
Built-in summary fault relay for 48V DC models
Output short circuit, over current, and overvoltage protection
Wide ambient operating temperature range
Suitable for intelligent transportation and factory automation

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